Red oak H 250 cm
Monona / Wisconsin/ USA
Flow of life
white colour
H 2 m
Inami/ Japan
Gebrochene Zeit
Broken Time
Basalt , Edelstahlverbindungen, stainless steel elements
H 44 cm
Dream of the birch
H 172 cm 2018 - 2020
stained with marble
Talk with the birch
birch wood 2017
H 89 cm
"Chestnut dream "
Kastanienholz/ chestnut wood
H 80 cm
"Life of the Birch"
Birkenholz/ birch wood
H 100 cm
"Flow of oak" oak wood
here in the exhibition of regional artists/municipal gallery of Tuttlngen
(sold )
"Flow of the earth"
H 62 cm 2016
Der kreative Prozess speist sich einerseits aus formal-geometrischen Überlegungen,
andererseits aus dem Material, der Substanz. Oft entstehen Gruppen.
Irgendwo wird immer versucht eine Sprache zu erzeugen,
die eine Verwandlung zum Thema hat.
On the one hand the creative process is a result of formal-geometrical considerations;
on the other hand there is the experience of the material, the substance Often there are groups of works.
Always there is an effort to create a language about the theme of a metamorphosis
Я интересуюсь геометрией и материей,
работая с камнeм, деревом и металлами.
Мои работы почти всегда абстрактны.
Я всегда стараюсь создать тему, язык которой - превращение.
Есть групповые работы.
Sono interessato alla geometria e alla struttura della sostanza.
Lavoro con pietra, legno, acciaio, rame. Provo spesso a creare
un linguaggio per descrivere l´infinito tema delle metamorfosi.
Per descrivere melgio seguo diverse ricerche e e metodi "artistici".