landart Installationen installations installazioni

see also  projects

siehe auch  Projekte

Black cloud - white cloud

Anna & Michael 

landscape instaltation

wood, ropes, poles, colours  L 20 m W 5 m H 5m

intenational exhibition and prize of art "moved wind"

Northern Hessen 2016


It's also like a big music instrument. People can  make sounds and play toghether by hitting the wooden sticks.



2. award

"River of sound"

 Anna & Michael

landscape installtion

driftwood, roof battens, steel rope

L 27 m H 4,4 m W 2,5m

Lustenau/ Austria


musically playable like a big xylophon


international artproject artur017

House of the sea

Anna & Michael 

walk in sculpture

Bamboo, driftwood, rope, shells L 8 m H 3 m  W 3 m

international environmental artproject 

Keelung/ Taiwan 2015

Moved wind 2014

Anna and Michael  "Way of listening"

An installation to listen the wind  L 20 m

Skulpturentreff am See Allensbach/Bodensee

Thema: Versunkene Vdergangenheit

Titel "Blick nach unten"    Anna und Michael


Ausstellung bis 18.10.2014

"milkfish"  bamboo, sisal robe length 10m   Cheng Long wetlands international enviromental artproject / Taiwan






Letztlich gelten auch hier die Kriterien der tradierten Disziplinen.

Doch werden hier auch Sprache, Wasser, Klänge… eingesetzt.

Je nach Situation ist die Suche nach kreativen Lösungen offener.


Also here the criterions of the traditional disciplines are valid,

but there is an additional use of language, water, sounds….

Depending from situation the search for a creative work is more open.

Здесь мне также важны пропорции и материaлы. 

Меня вдохновляют  песок, слова, вoда,  звуки  ….

ход работы зависит от ситуации.

Поиск творческих решений более открытый.
Мои картины – это цветовая плоскостная живопись .


Uso terra, acqua, parole scritte, suoni...

L´idea depende della situazione, dal tempo, della possibilitá